Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Powerful Pointers For A Ripped Muscular Chest

Powerful Pointers To A Strong Muscular Chest!  

You don't need a machine to build a bigger chest.  In fact you will get a better workout just using the traditional dumbbell free weights which focus on your stabilizing muscles......

1. Compound movement first – Do this to stimulate the highest number of muscle fibers as well as release the maximum amount of testosterone and growth hormone.

2. Work the chest at various angles – While areas of the chest can’t be isolated, they can be focused on. Be sure to work at various inclines ranging from decline to 45 degrees.

3. Focus on dumbbells rather than barbells – You’ll get a better range of motion and force the muscle to work harder using dumbbells as opposed to a barbell

4.  Use isolation movements at the end – once you’ve done your allotted presses for the day, finish up with isolation movements such as flies or cross overs. Work with lighter weights and higher reps for your isolation exercises.

5.  Don’t forget your legs and back – I know this seems weird, but if you truly want chest gains don’t neglect training your legs and back. Heavy leg training promotes testosterone and growth hormone release, which will aid in building a bigger chest. Training the back will ensure that that your posture and posterior to anterior strength remain in balance.  

      Chiseled Chest Workouts: For Best Gains!

1. Incline Dumbbell Flys                      

1. Incline your bench at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees. Wearing your weightlifting gloves, grasp a dumbbell in each hand.  Your resting position will be with the weights at your chest and hands in neutral position (palms facing each other).
2. Press the weights up as you exhale until your elbows are straight but not locked.
3. Slowly lower the weights in an arc until they are level with your chest.  It’s important to keep your wrists straight.
4. Return the dumbbells to their starting position at the top of the movement to complete one repetition.

2. Flat Flys                                      

1.Lying on a flat bench, take one dumbbell in each hand and bend your elbows so that your hands are by your shoulders with your palms facing in.

2.Extend your arms straight up and lower the weights by your sides, keeping a slight bend in your elbows, and go back to the starting position. This works both your inner and upper chest.

2. Flat Dumbbell Press                            

Lie down on a flat bench, take one dumbbell in each hand, bend your elbows so that your hands are by your shoulders with your palms facing your feet, and use your chest muscles to press the weights up and back down. For variety, you can try these with a slight incline in the bench, which places more emphasis on your upper chest, or on a decline, which places more emphasis on your lower chest.

4. Chest Dips                            

Hold yourself up on a dip bar and, making sure to keep your head down and your legs straight beneath you, lower yourself by bending your elbows, and come back up to the starting position. Make sure to keep the movement in your chest and not in your triceps, as you are working the former. 

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